Hey there, culinary superheroes! Welcome to the ‘Avocado Chocolate Bean Bash Cake,’ a cake so outrageously healthy, it might just have its own cape!
4 cups (or 3 tins) Organic Black or Red Kidney Beans in water (yep, beans in a cake!)
8 large free-range eggs (the Most valuable players of this bake-off)
3/4 cup raw honey (because bees know how to sweeten the deal)
8 tablespoons organic cacao (cue the chocolatey cheer!)
1 teaspoon Himalayan salt (for that mountainous flavor)
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (because chemistry is cool)
1 teaspoon vanilla pod powder (or half a teaspoon essence if you’re feeling fancy)
Add 3/4 cup olive oil (because you are a smooth operator)
5 Large ripe Avocados (yes, avo power!)
1 cup raw honey (keeping it au naturel)
3/4 cup peanut butter (roasted and smooth – no-nonsense peanuts only!)
5 tablespoons organic cacao (chocolate, the real unsung hero)
1/2 t-spoon Himalayan salt (just a pinch to keep things in check)
2 t-spoons vanilla pod powder (or half a t-spoon essence for a vanilla vibe)
1 cup Real Farm Butter (from happy, grass-fed animals)
2 x silicon bread trays (for adventurous folks) or 3 muffin trays(for cool kids)
Food processor (because we’re about to blend some magic!)
Melt the butter sloooowww and low. It’s a buttery symphony, folks!
Toss all the icing pals into the food processor. Let the whirlwind begin for 4-5 minutes.
Scoop out this creamy dream into a bowl. Leftover? It’s practically chocolate avo butter – score!
Skip the clean-up – chuck all the cake pals into the processor. Blend till it’s smoother than a Ryan Reynolds comeback.
Grease those trays like you’re buttering up a pantheon of legends. Pour in the magic mix. Spread it like a superhero saving the day.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. It’s showtime!
Silicon tray? Bake for around 1 hr 05 min. Sticky knife? Needs 10 more minutes.
Muffin trays? A breezy 20-25 minutes.
Cool for 30 mins, fridge for an hour – let’s get that cake superhero-firm!
Slice the cake into 2 vertical halves. Carefully wrangle them out of the silicone tray (tricky but oh-so-satisfying!).
Making mini cakes? Halve ’em horizontally, Spread about 1 cm of icing love between those cake layers and build a cake tower! Add a delectable half cm layer of icing around the edges and 1cm ona top. Just call it your own delicious signature.
Muffins? Piece of cake! Ice ’em up with half cm of icing love and be your own culinary Picasso.
Back into the fridge they go! Overnight VIP treatment for these culinary masterpieces.
Slice ’em up like you’re performing cake surgery, approximately 2cm slices. Voilà! The Avocado Chocolate Bean Bash Cake is ready for its close-up.
Muffins? Serve it like beckham.
Bon appétit, my fellow culinary adventurers!
Remember, a little mess is just evidence of a cooking adventure worthy of a superhero. Enjoy your cakey creation!